Warren Central Class of 2022 Accept Scholarships
- The Rotary banner is up, something great is about to happen here!
- Rotarians Marc Hackett and Martinlow Spaulding welcome guests for today’s ceremony
- Club President Ryan Henry delivers opening remarks on Rotary’s legacy of serving Indy’s Eastside
- Warren Township Schools Superintendent Tim Hanson congratulates this year’s scholarship winners and shares his passion for being a member of Rotary
- Warren Central High School Principal Rich Shepler congratulates the class of 2022
- Rotarian Phil Talbert begins presenting the scholarship checks
- Jonathan Allen shares more about his plans to attend Ball State University this fall
- Congratulations scholarship winners!
- From left to right: Phil Talbert, Rich Shepler, Ethan Carter, Marinna Bogatov, Elyjah Messer. Lydia LeClaire, Jonathan Allen and Tim Hanson
- Behind the Scenes: This year’s scholarship winners pose for pictures
- Warren Central Class of 2022 Scholarship Winners
- Indianapolis East Rotary Club President Ryan Henry shares a closing message for this year’s scholarship winners and invites everyone to close the ceremony with the Four-Way Test
- Elyjah Messer poses with his family
- Elyjah Messer shares his plans to attend Tennessee State University this fall
- Lydia LeClaire poses with her family
- Lydia LeClaire shares her plans to attend Ball State University this fall
- Ethan Carter poses with his family
- Ethan Carter shares his plans to attend Anderson University this fall
- Marinna Bogatov with family
- Marinna Bogatov shares her plans to attend Indiana University this fall
- Jonathan Allen poses with his family
Today was an amazing day, we met five young adults who shared their plans to attend college this fall and presented them with their scholarships!